Children’s Ministry Director Job Description
To apply please send your resume and cover letter which should include a brief testimony to or call 620-585-6999
Position: The Children’s Ministry Director shall be a passionate follower of Jesus who loves children and desires to see their lives transformed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus. This position will oversee the ministries that we provide from birth through the fifth grade with an emphasis on selecting and implementing curriculum, staffing, resourcing volunteers and parents with tools to help them lead, and providing general leadership and relationship building within the context of the children’s ministry at Zoar MB Church and the Inman community.
Spiritual Qualifications:
  1. To be a born-again believer actively walking with the Lord and following the Holy Spirit’s guiding.
  2. Passionate about relating to the needs of children and their leaders, leading and motivating them     towards a deeper relationship with Christ.
  3. To be a Christian model in speech, lifestyle, and attitude.
  4. To be in sympathy with the Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith.
General Responsibilities:
  1. Organize and coordinate all ministry from birth through fifth grade.
  2. Oversee the scheduling, curriculum, training and recruiting of volunteers, programs, and general     communication of children’s ministries.
  3. Be available to assist and resource parents to help them raise Godly children.
  4. Be involved in reaching unsaved and unchurched children in our community.
  5. Support and interact with children in their own activities such as athletic events, occasionally            eating lunch at school, etc.
  6. Promote, oversee, and be involved in extra-church activities such as VBS, Christmas Program,            and church camps.
  7. Be willing to work a schedule that will involve evenings.
Oversight of specific programs:
  1. Nursery – (Age 6 weeks-2 years) Sunday morning during Sunday school and morning worship.
  2. Children’s Church – (Age 3 years – 3rd grade) Sunday morning during worship hour.
  3. Sunday School – (Age 3 years – 5th grade)
  4. Wednesday Evening (Age 3 years – 5th grade)