Here at Zoar MB Church, we desire to invest our time, efforts, and resources in a sincere effort to produce powerful, equipped and trained followers of Jesus.
It is our prayer that as we invest in the lives of fellow believers, they will, in turn, become neighborhood evangelists, godly parents, faithful students, honest coworkers, and more. We seek to see the evidence of our faith in all the spheres of daily life.
We believe that a personal relationship with Jesus is the only way to experience eternal life with God the Father. Through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, we are able to have a relationship through faith in which the Holy Spirit lives in us. We know that we are sinful people and we rely on God’s daily grace and forgiveness in order to have this personal relationship.
Zoar is affiliated with the Southern District Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, which is part of the larger U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. Visit the Zoar MB Facebook page or Youtube page to learn more or to watch an online service.

About Inman
Established in 1887, Inman, Kansas is a rural community of 1,200, located between Hutchinson and McPherson and an easy 50-minute drive from Wichita. People choose to live in Inman for a slower-paced personal life, small-town values, and quality schools. Inman has many amenities of a larger town, including a public library, wellness center, doctor’s clinic, dentist, nursing home, two banks, two parks, shopping and eating establishments.
Life enriching opportunities abound within the community. Five local churches are united by the Inman Ministerial Alliance, and the museum, senior citizen center, and various clubs host recreational activities throughout the year. Inman Elementary and Junior-Senior High Schools are classified 2A by the Kansas State High School Activities Association, with an average of 40 students per grade level. Go Teutons!

Left: Annual car show and fishing derby; Center: Annual live Nativity; Right: Wheat harvest & Teuton pride at a basketball game

Greatest Strengths: Zoar is blessed with a strong heritage and a core of mature, committed believers who have faithfully worshipped and served together for many years. We tend to have relatively long pastor tenures, averaging ten years, with few transitions. A recent congregational exercise identified our core values: children and youth, Bible knowledge, giving, tradition, and world missions. Additionally, we identified our aspirational values: prayer, lost people/cultural relevance/evangelism, grace oriented/loving relationships, and small groups.

We believe that gathering together as the Body of Christ for worship is the greatest privilege we have as God’s people. Our worship services include a blended style of music, contemporary Biblical messages, and warm fellowship. Throughout the year, we celebrate special times of worship through communion, Christmas services, testimony services, baptisms, and missions festivals.

- Kingdom Kids Sunday School, Children’s Church, TeamKID
- Cross Training Youth Ministry: Discipleship training for junior high and high school students
- Discipleship Hour: Sunday school classes for all age groups
- Men’s and Women’s Bible studies
- Sisters Ladies Ministry: Social and spiritual activities throughout the year
- Men’s Fellowship: Fishing trips, prayer breakfasts, service projects
- Church Events: Potluck dinners, cookouts, family camp, sunrise service
- Outreach and Missions: Community VBS, Serve Week, mission trips, missionary support
